I found both items in one shop which sold that. For the flat sheet, I bought some copper. I was ready to do. Accurately bending the very stiff and tough steel wire was a real challenge, given my limited tools. I did not use the little vice I had. The wire was thin, but very stubborn. Finally I could do it reasonably well. I cut out the copper sheet for making the hinges. Luckily I had a cutter, which was actually a garden pruner my friend from Singapore had gifted me! I also embossed 'D' on the sheet after fixing it using a key-ring with the 'D'!
In the collage above, you can see the book holder in all its positions. I enjoyed doing this project and I used the holder on some occasions before the internet arrived!! I returned the borrowed steel holder to my friend and later showed my copy. It won his appreciation and I cherished that!
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